Make Rowing More Efficient. . .
Do you find rowing too exhausting?
Wonder why your rowing isn’t getting better or more efficient?
Do you have your rower at the right setting?
Ever heard of the damper setting and drag factor? Well, while linked, they are different and an understanding of their role will help you improve your rowing efficiency.
Let’s start with “what is a Damper Setting”?
It’s the lever found on the side of the flywheel. It is marked 1 to 10 and regulates how much air is drawn in on each stroke, making it easier or hard to row.
Simply put, the higher the damper setting, the more air and the more work it takes to spin the flywheel. More air also slows the flywheel down faster on the recovery, meaning more work is needed to accelerate it on the next stroke. The lower the damper setting, the less air and the easier it is to spin the flywheel.
So then, “what is Drag Factor”?
Drag factor is the rate your flywheel slows down. Between each stroke, the performance monitor (PM) uses the drag factor to calibrate the speed of the flywheel to calculate how much work you are doing.
Note: It is important to note that every machine will give you a different damper setting to drag factor. This is due to a number of factors like; how much lint is in the flywheel, the location of the rower, air temperature and/or elevation.
OK, so now that I know what they are, “what setting is right for me”?
For optimal efficiency the recommended drag factor for Men is between 125 to 130 and between 100 to 110 for Women with a damper setting between 3 to 5.
Setting the damper lever too high will exhaust your muscles before you get the full cardiovascular benefits that rowing provides. Working out with a damper setting of ‘10’ is a recipe for injury. Your ideal drag factor is the setting you feel most comfortable with, maintaining great technique. More on rowing technique coming soon!
Concept2, Damper Setting 101, accessed 19th April 2021, <>
Rowing Australia 2019, Finding your optimal drag factor and damper setting, accessed 19th April 2021, <>